About Sara
Sara was born and raised in California, the daughter of a Los Californianos member, a non- profit organization whose members have direct blood-line descent from individuals of Hispanic ancestry who were residents of California before it was part of the United States. She graduated from Northern Arizona University in 1999 with a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology. Her move to Connecticut was precipitated by a job offer for her husband, Talbot. They have two amazing children, one in high school and one just starting college. Sara works as an administrative assistant at a local non-profit. In her spare time(when she has some!), she enjoys reading, outdoor biking and cards or dominos with friends. She participated in the Closer to Free Ride for the second time this year, honoring her father's memory and battle with cancer."My involvement with ALEX started with a desire to counter some of the hate and anger in our society today. In contributing to an organization where acceptance, love, equality and a desire for change are the main focus I hope to help shift one small part of our world toward those ideals.'.