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(Past) Winter Solstice Lavender Ball

(Past )❄️Winter Solstice Lavender Ball

We're holding an LGBTQ+ inclusive prom for high schoolers in 9th - 12th grade. The event is being run by North Haven Pride and Alex Inc. in partnership with The Guilford Foundation Youth Advisory Group and Stellato's Deli and Catering. We'll have music by @badbabezdj and a photo booth to snap priceless memories in. Feel welcome to RSVP using the QR code in the event flyer or this link. It's going to be such a great time! Please message us directly with any questions or concerns.

❄️ Snow date is set for Dec. 14th!

May 18

(Past) Guilford Pride 2024

March 8

Rainbow Hearts, Golden Gala: A Night of Giving for Alex